Dean's Foreword

Assalamualaikum and good day!

Welcome to the official website of the Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA).

In the year 2024, the technology sector is set to face growing challenges, ushering in a phase that requires heightened innovation and adaptability. Industrialization has evolved to become more sophisticated, particularly in the realms of IoT, sustainable energy and many more. Numerous new technologies have emerged in response to the pressing needs of our times. To meet the demands of this rapidly evolving industrial landscape, students must enhance their skills and competence. Consequently, the responsibility of imparting mechanical engineering education, with a focus on practical applications, has been entrusted to the faculty. One of the goal is to produce practical-oriented mechanical engineers who can contribute significantly to the country's development.

The faculty, initially established in 2003 under the name Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, underwent restructuring in 2018. The restructuring led to a name change, transforming it into the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (FKMP), and subsequently rebranded as Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA) in 2019.

Our strategic location near the Pekan Automotive Park has significantly enhanced our presence. Despite being relatively new, faculty have achieved a commendable position, ranking between #351-400 in the QS World University Ranking for 2023 in the field of Engineering – Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing. Additionally, our graduate employability stands among one of the highest in the country.

At present, our academic offerings include two bachelor undergraduate engineering programs: the Bachelor of Automotive Engineering dual-degree program with Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA), Germany and the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, we also offering three Bachelor of Engineering Technology programs specializing in Mechanical (Design & Analysis) Engineering Technology, Mechanical (Automotive) Engineering Technology, and Mechanical (Oil & Gas) Engineering Technology. Moreover, faculty also offers two bachelor technology programs: Bachelor Technology Automotive and Bachelor Technology Welding. Furthermore, FTKMA presents a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, and its graduates serve as valuable feeders to our degree programs.

All our programs are designed not only to emphasize theoretical knowledge but also to incorporate practical experience through work-based learning, laboratories, and project works. The faculty maintains strong ties with industry professionals who serve as guest lecturers and conduct seminars for our students, ensuring a direct link to current industry practices. Additionally, our curriculums are structured to include 3 months to 1-year industrial training (including Work-based learning) at the end of the program. Following the wisdom of the Chinese proverb, 'I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand,' the faculty is dedicated to providing a 'learning by doing' approach to maximize the benefits for our students. Moreover, FTKMA extends postgraduate opportunities, offering master's degrees through taught courses and research modes, as well as a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering fields.

FTKMA's academic staff actively participates in seven major research focus groups that align with the university vision and mission. Applied research aimed at providing solutions to technological problems is conducted across various domains, including manufacturing, materials engineering, advanced fluids, energy sustainability, automotive, structural integrity and vibration, and human engineering. Faculty is deeply involved with numerous collaborators from industries, hospitals, universities, research centres, governments, local agencies, and communities. As both researchers and educators, each staff member takes an active role in writing journals and books, delivering presentations at conferences, and using various other means to share their expertise, knowledge, or new findings.

Furthermore, FTKMA manages the Journal of Mechanical and Engineering Sciences (JMES) since 2011. The journal received the Ministry of Education’s Current Research in Malaysia (CREAM) award in 2016 and 2018 and is currently indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Clarivate Analytics, CNKI, among others.

For more comprehensive information about our staff, programs, research, and activities at FTKMA, please explore our website.

Thank you for visiting. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you.

Professor Dr Mahadzir Ishak