The academics in the faculty are actively involved in research and development in various areas related to Mechanical Engineering and Technology fields. There are 7 research groups formed at the faculty level as follows. Please click on each of the following group to learn further about their research work.
The publication by FTKMA in 2020 was generally good, with 158 publications consist of Web of Science, Scopus, proceeding, book, chapter in book and module. Of the 158 publications, 65 percent are from the Scopus index journal/ proceeding. Meanwhile, 26 percent are from Web of Science (WOS) index journal. Other publications came from University news portal, module, chapter in book and magazine. All the journals were produced from various focus groups in FTKMA. Publication is one of the essential pillars in FTKMA to get recognized locally or internationally. The citation for FTKMA for last year was 4570. It was increased by 614 citations compared with previous year.

FTKMA managed to secure around RM6.7 million grant in values from various grants internally and externally through focus groups. The manufacturing technology focus group managed to secure RM1.6 million grants. The type of grants were UMP internal fund, International grant, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), MTUN-Precommercialization fund, LAB 2 Market, Industry and Agency. FTKMA secured 5 grants from various industries in Malaysia. For international grant, FTKMA researchers secured 8 grants from overseas. This shows that FTKMA researchers were recognized by industry and internationally. Figures below shows the focus group performances in securing the numbers of grants, and the values of the grant secured by the focus group.