Structural Performance Materials Engineering (SUPREME)
The Structural Materials and Degradation (SMD) Focus Group was established in January 2011. In 2020, along with the new faculty, Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA), the focus group has been rebranding to Structural Performance Materials Engineering (SUPREME). The focus group covers related research fields in material engineering which includes metallurgy, corrosion and protection, plasticity, fracture mechanics, finite element modelling, polymer, composite and membrane.
SUPREME Activities & Achievements
A one-day training on Abaqus had been conducted on 9th February 2020 by Dr Nasrul Azuan Alang. The participant consist of lecturers and postgraduate students. This training was designed to provide insight and understanding regarding the failure of material under creep loading. A sharing session was carried out by Dr Ahmad Syahrizan Sulaiman in Prediction Fatigue Life using Autodesk. The initiative of sharing session not only provides education to everyone but it could be a potential platform for other SUPREME members to share knowledge in their field of expertise. An online guest lecture entitled Virtual Work Principle and Finite Element Method (FEM) by Prof. Emeritus Masanori Kikuchi from Tokyo University of Sciences was held on July 24th 2020. This online lecture was intended for the student to grasp the basic concept of FEM and its application.

Portable carbon membrane for hydrogen purification by Dr Norazliane won a gold medal and Special Award of CENLAB at Creation, Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition (CITREx) 2020 organised by UMP on 12-13 February 2020. Besides that, Basic Theory on Material Science and Engineering module is an outcome of collaborative works between Dr Juliawati Alias, Dr Salwani Mohd Salleh, Dr Norhaida Ab Razak, Dr Mohd Akramin Mohd Romlay and Dr Nasrul Azuan Alang from Structural Performance and Material Engineering (SUPREME) focus group.

For more info, click on the button below to visit the AERG website.