JWLP Members

Research Area
Joining & Welding (Laser Welding, Brazing, Solder, Adhesive, Friction Stir Welding, Micro-Joining, Non-destructive Test)
Laser Processing (Laser Surface Modification, Laser Texturing, Laser Marking, Laser Colouring, Laser Welding, Laser Micro-welding, Laser Brazing, Laser Soldering, Laser Heating)
Research Project
- Necking Evolution and Grain Boundary Diffusion of Laser Sintered 316L Stainless Steel Particles: The Underlying Phenomena in Metal Additive Manufacturing, FRGS, 127,489.
- Influence of Laser-Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Strength 22mnb5 Boron Steel, FRGS, RM 88,000.
- Effect of Surface Modification on Lowering Energy Requirement for Indirect Laser Brazing, GERAN DALAM, RM 34,500.
- Fibre Laser Micro-Welding of Biomedical Titanium Ti-6al-7nb Alloy, GERAN DALAM, RM 23,500.
- Ergonomics Automotive Welding Workstation Set-Up Modelling for Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD), FRGS, RM 70,300.
- Strengthening Mechanism and Thermomechanical Stability of Alumina/Graphene Hybrid Nano Reinforcement for Adhesive Joining, FRGS, RM 90,904.
- Characterizing Defect-Induced Eddy Current (EC) And Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Signals in Thick Steels Using A Novel Hybrid EC-MFL Probe, FRGS, RM 78,200.
- Mechanism of Mechanical Interlocking by Microgroove Formation on Brazing Surface Between Alumina and Ti, FRGS-RACER, RM 71,000.
- Joint Strengthening Mechanism Between Green Solder Alloy and Copper Board Produced Using Laser Soldering, FRGS, RM 74,000.
- Investigation of Active Filler Metal Brazing Parameters on The Formation of Reaction Layer Between Alumina Ceramic and Metal (Cu and Ni) Joining, GERAN DALAM, RM 33,500.
- Pulse Mode Fibre Laser for The Surface Modification Process on Biomaterials, GERAN DALAM, RM 40,000
- Characterization of Weld Penetration by Sound Wave Acquired During Fiber Laser Welding Process RM 34,500
- Effect of Nano Reinforced Structural Adhesive for Joining Aluminum Alloy on Mechanical Properties, GERAN DALAM, RM 25,500.
- Investigation of Fillers on Welding Properties Between Aluminium Alloy and Magnesium Alloy Weld by Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding, GERAN DALAM, RM 23,000.
- Tailor Welded Blanks (TWB) Equipment Development, TECHNOFUND, RM 1,895,000.
- Industrial Testing of A 3-Axis CNC Tailor Welded Blank Laser Welding Machine Using Predefined Closest-Distance Volume Interpolator, LAB2MARKET SEED FUND, RM 150,000.
- Evolution of process parameters in friction stir welding of AA6061 aluminum alloy by varying tool eccentricity, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 109, 1601-1612, 2020.
- Structural morphology of Al-Mg-Si alloy friction stir welds through tool eccentricity, Materials Letters 275, 128098, 1, 2020.
- Influence of tool offsetting and base metal positioning on the material flow of AA5052-AA6061 dissimilar friction stir welding, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 14 (1), 6393-6402, 2, 2020.
- Influence of tool eccentricity on the material flow and microstructural properties of AA6061 aluminum alloy friction stir welds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 826, 2, 2020.
- The role of tool offset on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Cu friction stir welded joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 825, 5, 2020.
- Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Friction Stir Weld Fatigue Performance, Journal of Light Metal Welding, 58, 72s-76s, 2020.
- Weld depth estimation during pulse mode laser welding process by the analysis of the acquired sound using feature extraction analysis and artificial neural network, Journal of Manufacturing Processes.
- Classification of weld penetration condition through synchrosqueezed-wavelet analysis of sound signal acquired from pulse mode laser welding process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
- Detection of irregularities on weld bead from the L-Statistic analysis of the acquired sound during pulse mode laser welding process, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 788 (1), 012015.
- Development of an Unsaturated Differential Magnetic Probe for the Visualization of Back-side Slits with Different Directions on Carbon Steel Plate, 11th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2020, 1-4.
- Development of ECT Probe for Back Side Crack Evaluation, 11th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2020, 5-9.
- Effect of LST Parameter on Surface Morphology of Modified Copper Substrates, Jurnal Tribologi, 26, 2020, 84-91.
- Evaluation of Back-Side Slits with Sub-millimeter Resolution Using a Differential AMR Probe, 632, 2020, 15-24.
- Depth Evaluation of Slits on Galvanized Steel Plate Using a Low Frequency Eddy Current Probe, InECCE2019, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 632, 2020, 59-66.
- Effect of Excitation Frequency on Magnetic Response Induced by Front-and Back-Side Slits Measured by a Differential AMR Sensor Probe, InECCE2019, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 632, 2020, 15-24.
- The Effect of Laser Surface Hardening on the Surface Hardness of Mild Steel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 788, 1, 2020, 012014.
- Effect of Laser Surface Modification (LSM) On Laser Energy Absorption for Laser Brazing, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 788, 1, 2020, 012013.
- Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Copper Brazed by Laser Surface Modification, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 788, 1, 2020, 012012.
- Current Research and Development Status of Dissimilar Materials Laser Welding of Titanium and Its Alloys, Optics & Laser Technology, 126, 2020, 106090.
- A Comprehensive Assessment of Laser Welding of Biomedical Devices and Implant Materials: Recent Research, Development and Applications, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 2020, 1-43.
- Zawani Bin Ismail, PhD, Laser Micro-Welding
- Mohd Harizan Bin Zul, PhD, Effect of Laser Surface Machining (LSM) On Stainless Steel Material.
- Muhammad Naqiuddin Bin Mat Salleh, PhD, Fiber Laser Employment in Dissimilar Welding of High Strength Steels.
- Mohd Fadhlan Bin Mohd Yusof, PhD, Real-Time Monitoring of The Fibre Laser Welding Process Using Acoustic Signature.
- Haneef Bin Mohd Sabki, Master, Effect of Laser Brazing on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of The Joint
- Amira Qistina Syamimi Binti Zaifuddin, Master, Laser Energy Absorption Mechanism of Laser Modified Surface for Laser Brazing
- Yus Erny Amirah Mohd Yusof, Master, Effect of Laser Brazing Parameter on Mechanical Properties.
- Ahmad Jamil Sulaiman Bin Hanifah, Master, The Effect of Laser Surface Modification on Brazeability Of Alumina and Metal.
- Mohamad Syaiful Izwan Bin Alies, Master, Strengthening Mechanism and Thermomechanical Stability of Alumina/Graphene Hybrid Nano Reinforcement for Adhesive Joining in Automotive Applications.
- Nurziana Kong, Master, Moisture Absorption Mechanism and Thermal Stability of Adhesive Joining with Silicon Carbide/Graphene Hybrid Nano Reinforcement.
- Muhammad Asyraf Bin Abdullah, Master, A Study on Interfacial Microstructure Growth Mechanism of Lead-Free Solder Using Laser Soldering.
- Maliessa Nabilah Binti Mazelan, Master, The Effect of Different Solder Type on Solder Joint Performance Through Reflow Soldering with Microwave Energy.
- Nabila Binti Tamar Jaya, Master, Study on Intermetallic Compound Formation and Growth at The Solder Joint Interface During Laser Soldering Using Sn-Ag-Cu Powdered Compact Solder on Copper Pad.
- Nadhrah Binti Murad, Master, A Study on The Properties of Sn3.0ag0.5cu Solder Alloy by The Fabrication of Powder Metallurgy Method.